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Financial math books
Stochastic calculus for finance I and II by Steven Shreve is quite popular. The first book is good as it is quite digestible and has many examples. The second book is a but more difficult read compared to the first but is sort of considered a classic.

Messages In This Thread
Financial math books - by Trumpchamp_000 - 01-01-2022, 12:53 PM
RE: Financial math books - by Kevin - 01-01-2022, 01:04 PM
RE: Financial math books - by Ninjabro216 - 01-02-2022, 12:40 PM
RE: Financial math books - by Trumpchamp_000 - 01-02-2022, 12:43 PM
RE: Financial math books - by quince00 - 01-02-2022, 12:43 PM
RE: Financial math books - by quince00 - 01-02-2022, 12:44 PM
RE: Financial math books - by Trumpchamp_000 - 01-02-2022, 12:45 PM

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